My beloved bloggies, before you all get worried I must advise that I am not running from anything but rather will be taking a short break in the coming days during which time there will be no postings on 'Clerical Whispers'....
I can hear the sighs of sadness almost being drowned down by the whoops of happiness from a few episcopal palaces and not just in Ireland....
This site has been updated on an almost daily basis (we have posted 99.78% of the time since this blog was created over 8 months ago) and I would indeed be the first to admit it does take time - but never at the expense of parochial duties!!!
I must say I have enjoyed the work so far involved and will indeed be glad of the break, but I do promise upon my return that it shall continue as before with the daily updates and I shall carry a special feature on my break which will be a rather special one indeed!!!
So dear bloggies, with effect from next Monday, August 27th, 2007 until the following weekend which brings us into September, this site will effectively come to a standstill...
Anyone who wishes to get in touch with me privately can leave a comment message with an email address and I will get back to you...the message will not of course be published so do not worry about that....
Sotto Voce