About 100 young people took part, accompanied by priests and religious. They were watched by armed border soldiers.
One young boy prayed: "May the Cross of Christ be a bridge over frontiers and walls uniting hearts and the two Koreas".
The young people came from dioceses all over South Korea. The gathering started with the recitation of the Rosary and special prayers for national reconciliation and reunification before hoisting the World Youth Day Cross and setting out in procession for the demilitarised zone between the two Koreas.
"We are now more aware of what we young people can do to promote unity under the banner of the Cross and Love of Christ",

South and North Korea are formally still at war since an armistice sanctioned the division of the peninsula after the Korean War 1950 - 1953.
The Youth Day Cross pilgrimage through South Korea is drawing crowds of young Catholics and non Catholics, wherever its stops.
After South Korea the WYD Cross will continue its pilgrimage touring the dioceses of the Philippines, moving then to East Timor and various Pacific island countries on its way to Sydney for World Youth Day 2008.
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