The now 79 year old prelate still resides in Shanaglish, just outside Gort, County Galway but has not been yet permitted to publicly celebrate the Sacraments due to the hierarchy obfuscating his so doing.
They calimed that despite the Gardaí having investigated these (now unfounded) claims, they, the Hierarchy had to also carry out an investigation of their own and then decide whether the once-colourful Bishop of Galway can resume full public ministry.
The Bishop Emeritus is now back in Ireland some years, and he is somewhat angry at the fact that the Church only began its investigation once the Gardaí had finished theirs, but he acknowledges that there is nothing he can do to expediate the matter.
An official for the Hierarchy did not offer much further in the way of enlightment in relation to the matter when an enquiry was put to them, and is as follows;
'We do not know when the inquiry will finish and we will not be offering any further comment on the matter.'
Sotto Voce: What one can read from this may be as follows methinks - we are not pushed because he erred and by God we will make sure he pays for it for showing us up. Never mind the CSA allegations against other clerics, Casey disgraced us by having a child.
We will give him a rap across the knuckles for this now as well and sure it will only serve to delay his case all the more.
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Sotto Voce