Friday, March 14, 2025

'Still much to be done' on reform in the Catholic Church

A coalition of national church reform groups has used the 12th anniversary of Pope Francis' election to stress the urgent need for reform initiated by the current pontiff and confirmed by the World Synod.

We Are Church International, which is seeking renewal of the Roman Catholic Church, said it was pleased that Pope Francis was no longer in danger of death, and it called for prayers to continue for his speedy recovery.

In a statement We Are Church (WAC) expressed hope that the Pope would "accompany the renewal process of the Roman Catholic world church" for as long as possible.

"Francis has opened the door for many things that can and must be done now; but there is still much to be done", it said.

WAC acknowledged that in the twelve years of his pontificate, Pope Francis initiated a "radical reorientation" of the Roman Catholic Church, both internally and externally.

However, it said the crisis in the church "is far from over".

It noted "strong resistance" to reforms by Pope Francis, which it described as "previously unimaginable".

"Unfortunately, many bishops have not yet followed him. But the hot topics must be addressed, and this is especially true with regard to real equality for women in the church", it said.

The group, which is jointly led by the Irishman Colm Holmes, has appealed to the entire church community and to church leadership at all levels, to remain faithful to the urgently needed reform course initiated by the Pope and confirmed by the World Synod.