Friday, October 11, 2024

Kerry Bishop says priests can no longer sustain management roles in parishes

More cooperation between parishes, priests performing less pastoral management roles, and retaining the parish identity are just some of the key findings in a pastoral letter handed to Mass goers on Sunday.

In January 2024, parishioners in the Kerry Diocese were encouraged by Bishop of Kerry Ray Browne to contribute to an initiative that seeks to establish a framework for future pastoral work.

The survey – titled ‘Moving Forward In Hope’ – stems from the need for action brought on by declining church attendances, a shortage of clergy, and the fallout from abuse scandals in the Church.

Over the past few months, conversations were held about the future of parishes, and what is needed to enhance and preserve this important part of Irish life.

Some of the findings generated from the feedback were printed in a pamphlet and handed out to people after Mass on Sunday.

The Bishop of Kerry said there was ‘general consensus’ that the way forward involves greater participation of lay people in all aspects of parish life, and the evolving role of the Parish Pastoral Council.

The diocesan planning group suggested that priests would no longer be expected to sustain local management roles or attend all parish meetings.

The diocese will need to ‘deepen their spirit’ of mission to reach all community, especially among younger people.

Cooperation between neighbouring pastoral councils is necessary to the Church’s growth, and that councils should ‘promote and enable’ cooperation.

The promotion of vocations for the priesthood, religious life, to the permanent diaconate and to lay vocations is also something that needs to be highlighted.

That each parish would retain its own identity and autonomy to manage finance, sacraments, liturgy, and mission are mentioned. This would require the ‘active participation’ of the laity to be supported by the diocese.

“Our diocesan conversation mirrors what is happening in our Church worldwide,” Bishop Browne said.

“I ask God’s blessing on all parish communities throughout the diocese. Let us all support this process in the year ahead by our active participation in parish life, by keeping ourselves informed of its progress, and by our willingness to serve in some practical way at parish, pastoral area, or diocesan level,” he added.