Saturday, June 01, 2024

Viral hit: nuns dance to "Barbara's rhubarb bar"

Two sisters from the Crescentia Convent in Kaufbeuren have been inspired by the current hit "Barbaras Rhabarberbar" and recorded their own dance video for Instagram

According to a report in the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, the video, which only lasts a few seconds, features Sister Clara Marie Beuth (27) and Sister Annika Wörle (47). 

The rap with the well-known tongue twister, produced by Bodo Wartke and Marti Fischer, is currently enjoying great popularity online.

The superior of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Crescentia Monastery, Johanna Maria Höldrich, also has her say in the newspaper article. She emphasises that the article was not intended as an advertising clip for the convent or even as a sophisticated image campaign. 

The two sisters had simply picked up on something that was topical. There is a song that says it is rhubarb season and rhubarb pie is eaten in the convent.

The convent has reportedly been on Instagram since November 2022. Something special was needed to mark the thousandth follower. 

The sisters recorded the dance performance on 5 May. 

A few days ago, they posted the video online - it now has over 22,000 likes. The predominantly positive comments range from "God is funny too" to "super cute". 

According to the newspaper article, 25 sisters live in the Franciscan convent in Kaufbeuren, the youngest of whom is 27 and the oldest 90 years old.