Sunday, June 16, 2024

Patrick Buckley, RIP (3)

In writing this piece, I am now conscious of the fact that it is a month since the death of Patrick Buckley, as announced here on 17th May, 2024.

I then followed that up with an opinion piece which also contained, verified and established many facts which we had in relation to Patrick Buckley, and on foot of which, we received many, many emails (just over 2,000 at last count today (16th June 2024) from literally all over the world.

In the main (1,979) the emails were on the subject of how badly treated the contributors were by Patrick Buckley - many attributed to his now-defunct and unpublished 'blogspot' - and the remaining 27 emails were from those who were - in effect - trying to discredit that posting of May 21st inst., as well as CW.

Since his passing, those with whom we have engaged, whether by telephone, email or in person, have all expressed their initial regret at his passing - solely due to him evading any earthly justice and law for his despotic and slanderuous postings.

This soon turned into a sense of relief that he was / is dead, and again solely down to the fact that his 'blogspot' was no longer in existence, and those affected by it and his behaviour, lies etc would now be able to sleep better at night.

No longer the fear of wondering whether they were going to be the (untrue) story that was going to end up as the main story (yet again), and also the subject of the scurrilous and slanderuous 'anonymous' comments posted under the story (don't worry KI - IP addresses are a great source of information in an investigation), which will become a story in its own right.

We then had to deal with the 'loved-up' story (and that is exactly what they are) of the allegedly celibate 'partner/husband' of Patrick Buckley, namely Eduardo Yanga, and this was then followed up with the story of denial of what we had claimed here in relation to Patrick Buckley and his prolific sex life which resulted in 55 HIV-infected men approaching us over the last almost 2 years - the most recent since the death of Patrick Buckley being 2 men in the USA.

And now we find ourselves with further developments such as this one in relation to Patrick Buckley giving shelter to a convicted paedophile and (quote) later parading the sex offender at a fundraising event. (unquote).

On top of that, we have had to open 3 seperate files in relation to further alleged potential sexual misbehaviour by Patrick Buckley - 1 in the midlands, and 2 in the North of Ireland.

We will be meeting with these alleged victims over the next few weeks.

Let me be very clear here - when we use the term 'alleged victims' we do so purely for legal reasons, and as such, it is not to be interpreted as being disrespectful to anyone in this regard.

We will continue to engage with all who approach us, we will continue to provide legal and support services to those who wish to avail of such, and we will continue to follow through on our seperate - yet singular - investigations into Patrick Buckley.

As Editor, I want to assure all who get in touch with us that we will do all that we can to be of help to you.

I would also like to offer an invitation to Mr Yanga - get in touch with us.

We would be more than happy to meet with you in our solicitors offices - North or South - and let you come face-to-face with us, and indeed the many, many victims of Patrick Buckley.

This invite extends to Paul Creanor, Vicar General of The Oratory Society.

We look forward to hearing from you, and perhaps you may then find out the truth behind the real Patrick Buckley.

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Eagarthóir / Editor