Friday, June 07, 2024

Jesuits leave Mallorca after more than 400 years

The Jesuit order is leaving the island after more than 400 years on Mallorca

This was reported by the "Mallorca-Zeitung" newspaper, citing the local leadership of the order. 

The reason for this is the ageing of the remaining friars and priests, who can no longer receive the appropriate medical care locally. 

The decision was not taken lightly and the disappointment of the Catholics was recognised.

The traditional Jesuit house is located in the centre of the capital Palma. 

In January, a Spanish clinic chain leased the building, which also houses a Jesuit school, for the next 50 years. 

A remodelled residential complex was to be built there. 

At the time, it was still rumoured that the twelve Jesuits would stay there but move within the building. 

The approximately 450 pupils are to continue their studies in a new building in 2025.

According to the report, the Jesuits founded the Nuestra Senora de Montesion school in the centre of Palma in 1561.

Since then, the order has been present on the island except during the decades when it was banned by the state.