Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Archdiocese: Schismatic bishop should leave scandalous monastery

caso de las monjas clarisas 'rebeldes ...

The Archdiocese of Burgos has asked the schismatic Bishop Pablo de Rojas and the unofficial spokesman of the apostate Poor Clares, Jose Ceacero, to leave the controversial Belorado monastery, which has hit the headlines

De Rojas is the head of the ultra-conservative association "Pia Unio Sancti Pauli Apostoli", which the Poor Clares joined after an cleric, who was excommunicated after an irregular episcopal consecration, in mid-May

As the Spanish internet portal "Religion Digital" reported on Monday, sources confirmed that the two clergymen were officially asked to leave the monastery and its premises by fax. 

However, De Rojas and Ceacero were still in the premises and did not want to leave. 

According to Pia Union sources, however, no fax was received - the diocese is now threatening to take legal action. The schismatic clergy said they would remain in Belorado as long as the Poor Clares needed spiritual guidance.

The report on the internet portal mentions, among other things, that the Poor Clares of Belorado were seen at the court in Burgos on Monday afternoon. 

However, the reason for their visit to the court is not known. 

Last week, the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, was appointed papal representative for the convent. for the Convention. 

Iceta is to act on behalf of the Holy See in the three monasteries concerned. 

Among other things, the prelate announced that access to and presence in the monasteries and buildings associated with the community of the Poor Clares of Belorado and Orduna is expressly forbidden. 

However, according to Ceacero, who sees himself not only as an unofficial spokesman for the Poor Clares but also as a spiritual guide, these demands are worthless. 

Last Thursday, he told journalists that the Poor Clares were outside the jurisdiction of the archbishop and that they owned the monastery one hundred per cent. 

On Friday, it became known that Abbess Isabel and two other Poor Clares had filed a complaint against Iceta at the Logrono police station for abuse of office. 

However, this has not yet been received by the archdiocese, according to the "Religion Digital" report. This is being left to the lawyers.

The case of the apostate Poor Clares is still causing a stir in Spain. 

The abbess of the Poor Clares caused a scandal in a public statement in mid-May when she renounced the church on behalf of all 16 nuns. At the same time, they joined the aforementioned clergyman de Rojas. 

The Order of Poor Clares in Spain and Portugal announced last week that it would be disassociating itself to separate from the community in Berlorado

One of the 16 sisters has already leftbecause she did not agree with the abbess's decision.