He said that it is essential to be Christ-like in giving communion because the church, despite being the mystical body of Christ, is very real in the sense that people are part of the church, and there exists a deep and real connection with Jesus Christ Himself.

Bishop Wainaina said that the one giving communion either in the Eucharist or through service to the people should never do it as an empty action like just giving ordinary food or gifts, but with a lot of reverence.

“The communion giver should already be Christ-like, a true part of the body of Christ, the Church,” the Kenyan Bishop said, making reference to the pillars of the Diocese’s Eucharistic year; ‘believe, celebrate, receive, adore, and commune.’

He added, “We must never forget the essential connection between the mystical body of Christ which is the Church, and the sacramental body of Christ, which is the Eucharist.”

Bishop Wainaina urged those charged with giving the Eucharist to the people to be consciously aware of what they are doing so that they can serve "as part of the mystical body of Christ, which is the Church."

“We must give out our very self to those who are receiving communion from us,” said the Bishop who has been at the helm of Murang’a Diocese since his Episcopal Ordination in June 2009.

Those not permitted to give Holy Communion, Bishop Wainaina said, should know that they are giving out their lives “in the form of services that we give”.  The Bishop urged them to take solace in the fact that they are participating in communion and therefore, their “lives must not be empty of Jesus Christ".

“Brothers and sisters, we are giving ourselves to the others through giving communion or simply in our life of service, we can still be bread to others,” he said challenging the people of God in his Diocese to reflect on the kind of bread they give to those entrusted to them.

He said that the kind of bread served to others through communion determines the nature and the qualities that will be evident in society.

The Bishop said that some people in society are bitter and some have given up in life because those who were supposed to take care of them only provide a toxic environment.