The desire to achieve equality by eliminating sexual difference is
reminiscent of previous attempts to achieve equality by eliminating
private property (through Communism) and illness (through eugenics),
Italian historian and journalist Lucetta Scaraffia wrote in a front-page
L’Osservatore Romano column on October 4.
There is historical irony in these “utopian” desires, said Scaraffia,
because it was Christianity that brought equality to the world.
Scaraffia wrote that the world’s media, with their favorable view of
Pope Francis, largely leave his remarks unchallenged—but not so his
remarks in Georgia against gender ideology.
“The Pope accompanied his discourse on gender with a clear acceptance
of homosexuals, with an openness that in the Church had never been
manifested with so much courage,” Scaraffia continued. The Pope, she
emphasized, is clearly willing to accompany homosexuals and
transsexuals, yet the media criticized his remarks on gender ideology.
Scaraffia said that this shows that gender ideology’s true goal is “to
destroy the family,” and not to prevent the demonization of homosexuals.