Sunday, October 30, 2016

Latin American seminaries reflect on local needs

Following an August retreat in Panama with representatives from the different regions of Latin America and the Caribbean, Episcopal and Anglican leaders in theological education are clear that training must include analysis of regional problems so that clergy can perform quality pastoral work. 

The Commission of Theological Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (CETALC) is clear that it wants to carry out pastoral work responding to the needs of each region. 

To achieve this, the first challenge lies in the preparation of clergy and lay members, say the commission’s members.
“Seminaries can’t focus on just one thing; theology must be integrated with the current reality, with everything that touches our society. The pastoral care has to move in diverse fields and attempt, through the message of the gospel, to nurture, change and transform society. But for that [to happen], good training is needed,” said Dominican Republic Bishop Julio Holguín, CETALC’s president.

As the first step toward putting the training on the right path, following the late summer gathering, the members of CETALC have agreed to standardise the curriculum throughout Latin America.

Click here to read Clara Villatoro’s full in-depth report