President of Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Australian Catholic University Ltd, Archbishop Denis Hart, said Professor Craven encapsulated the true spirit of Vatican II and its call for greater lay collaboration in the mission of the Church.
“Greg Craven is an immensely gifted man, a man of faith, a loyal son of Christ; he has given many years of dedicated and faithful service to the advancement of Catholic education in Australia,” Archbishop Hart said.
“He has been involved in the university sector for more than 15 years and has lent his wisdom to the Church through service on advisory boards and committees such as the National Catholic Education Commission and the Truth, Justice and Healing Council.
“I am eager to see what he will achieve in this new role.”
Professor Craven said this appointment was both a great honour and an outstanding opportunity. “Catholic universities and schools bring tremendous value to communities and to education.
“Catholic education has a rich intellectual tradition spanning 2000 years and I look forward to joining a Congregation that draws on the best of rigorous academic and intellectual foundations, and from core Catholic values,” he said.