A Queensland doctor claims
Australians' right to freedom of speech is on the line after a
commercial printer refused to print his new book on the same-sex
marriage debate, according to The Catholic Leader.
“It is a shock to find a commercial printer acting as a censor for the gay lobby,” Dr van Gend said. “That has a chilling effect on free public argument in a free society.
“However, it is within their right as a private company to discriminate against people like me on ideological grounds. I accept that.
“We are not like some people who would take anti-discrimination action. We do not think those sort of laws are worthy of a free society and we do not use them.”
Dr van Gend’s publisher, Connor Court, has used a temporary digital printer to produce 3000 copies to cover early orders. He is now on a national book launch tour ending in Canberra on October 10, the day the plebiscite bill on same sex marriage is due to be debated in parliament.
Ahead of the maiden book launch at a community hall in Brisbane on September 23, Dr van Gend received email threats of disruption and violence.
About 40 protesters arrived at the venue, but caused no disruption to a meeting of about 150 people.