Five more people are alleging sexual abuse decades ago by a
now-deceased priest, according to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sioux
The diocese also confirmed Wednesday that it has reached a settlement
with the man who first came forward with allegations against Father
Peter Murphy, who served in several northwest Iowa parishes from the
1950s through the 1970s.
Spokeswoman Kristie Arlt told the Sioux City Journal that Bishop
Walker Nickless is reaching out to the people who have contacted the
diocese since June, when the diocesan newspaper asked readers for
information about sexual misconduct by Murphy.
The priest died in 1980.
Arlt declined to say how much the settlement with the man is costing the diocese.
“The bishop’s main goal, and our advisory board’s main goal, is to
provide healing where we can,” Arlt said. “That’s the main purpose, to
be sensitive to these victims and hopefully help them with their healing
Allegations originally surfaced in 1996 when the man, now 69, wrote
to Blessed Sacrament Parish in Sioux City about sexual abuse by Murphy
when he was a 12-year-old altar boy.
The man said he received a
dismissive reply to that letter but that he met this year with the
He asked that Murphy’s name be published along with the names of
other priests accused of sexual abuse.
Arlt said the diocese’s review board is exploring the possibility of
releasing the names of those priests who have been credibly accused.