While it’s too early to know how many new cases may yet
come, legal analysts and victim advocates say the developments in
Minnesota church to significant financial risk.
“This is just the beginning for Minnesota,” said Terry
McKiernan, president of BishopAccountability, a Massachusetts-based
nonprofit that documents clergy misconduct.
“The St. Paul and
Minneapolis Archdiocese is in a meltdown that perhaps only a dozen
dioceses have experienced during the ongoing sexual abuse crisis.”
Nationally, the Catholic Church has spent an estimated $2
billion to $3 billion settling abuse lawsuits, according to court
documents and media reports, and nine Catholic dioceses, including
Milwaukee’s, have filed for bankruptcy protection since 2004.
In Minnesota, recent events have conspired to bring
extraordinary attention to the issue.
State law changed earlier this
year to permit lawsuits from decades-old abuse cases, prompting more
than 20 new lawsuits.
A whistle-blower in the archdiocese went public
with incriminating church documents that seemed to indicate that church
officials may have withheld information about new abuse cases.
Several priests under fire have resigned. A few priests,
Catholic parishioners and generous donors have asked Twin Cities
Archbishop John Nienstedt to step down.
Nienstedt, in turn, has hired a consultant to examine clergy files and appointed a task force to review church policies.
Scandal blasts open
Minnesota arrived late to the clergy abuse scandal, and a
decade after the problem was supposed to have been fixed by 2003
guidelines established by U.S. bishops.
Retired Twin Cities Archbishop
Harry Flynn was a leader of that national effort.
The national scandal erupted in the mid-1980s, when a
Louisiana priest, the Rev. Gilbert Gauthe, pleaded guilty to abusing
more than 20 minors.
Since then, thousands of victims have stepped forward.
Dozens of dioceses from Boston to Chicago to Los Angeles have been
embroiled in costly legal fights that have saddened and angered both
parishioners and clergy members.
More than 100 dioceses and religious
orders have reached clergy abuse settlements in the past 25 years,
according to
BishopAccountability as well as media reports and court
documents. The process can drag out for years.
Minnesota Catholics aren’t the only ones reeling from new
allegations of abuse. Similar claims have emerged in recent months and
years in Philadelphia; Honolulu; Chicago; Newark, N.J., and Gallup, N.M.
The new allegations bear a striking resemblance to the
old: that Catholic leaders ignored or rejected the claims of alleged
victims, chose not to remove offending priests from the ministry and
often failed to report allegations to the police.
Tom Doyle, a Virginia-based canon lawyer who has
testified on behalf of alleged victims in hundreds of clergy abuse cases
in civil courts, said churches typically respond to allegations in a
similar manner: They appoint review boards, hire outside investigators,
adopt new policies and, in some cases, remove or demote key players
within the church hierarchy.
But two things make Minnesota different, Doyle said.
First, the call for Nienstedt’s resignation includes some parish
priests. Second, a whistleblower from inside the chancery — former
archdiocesan canon lawyer Jennifer Haselberger — has provided inside
information about the church’s handling of recent abuse allegations and
its treatment of priests who were known to have abused children.
In other dioceses, “We’ve mostly had determined
prosecutors who had to dig and dig,” said William D’Antonio, an author
of several books on the Catholic Church in America and a psychology
professor at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. “And
more victims would step forward.”
Minnesota also happens to have a law firm that
specializes in cases of clergy abuse, Jeff Anderson & Associates.
Headquartered about 2 miles from the chancery, Anderson said his firm
has represented more than 1,000 victims of clergy sex abuse nationally
over the course of 30 years.
Settlements have ranged from $1 million in
1983 for a victim of former priest Tom Adamson to up to $2 million for
more recent cases in Chicago.
Stakes are high
Since Minnesota’s statute of limitations for abuse
victims was lifted in May, Anderson’s firm has filed 21 lawsuits
representing alleged victims of abuse from the 1960s to 2012.
involve alleged abuse that occurred decades ago, committed by priests
who already were implicated in settlements to other victims.
More cases are coming, said Anderson.
The cost of settling lawsuits — both in dollars and
public image — can mount quickly. A typical settlement, including
attorney fees, ranges from about $250,000 to $1 million per victim,
attorneys for victims said.
Settlements vary widely by location and by the number of
clergy and victims involved.
In 2006, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee paid
$16 million in settlements for 10 victims.
In 2007, the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles paid $660 million for 508 victims.
In 2011, the Archdiocese
of Wilmington, Del., settled for $77 million for 150 victims.
Many settlements also require the church to make public
all the documents pertaining to the case, including lists of priests who
have been credibly accused of sexual abuse.
Nine dioceses have declared bankruptcy, arguing that they
had to in order to pay legal costs and settlements. The diocese of
Gallup, N.M., was the latest, filing in September.
But victims’ advocates claim bankruptcy has been a
strategy to limit victims’ claims, shield assets and halt public trials
that would allow attorneys to take depositions from priests.
Most dioceses get some settlement money from insurance. They also draw money from other sources.
“Dioceses have long-term investment portfolios, huge
donors, vast land holdings, the ability to mortgage that land, and
tremendous donations in wills and bequests that offer unrestricted
funds,” said Patrick Wall, a victim’s advocate at Anderson &
Associates and a former priest who worked in the St. Paul chancery in
the 1990s.
In Los Angeles, about half of the $600 million paid out
came from insurance, Wall said. The balance came from a cemetery fund,
the diocese’ central bank account and the parish checking account, he
The costs are high for the church hierarchy, as well.
Bishops who supervise offending priests are under growing
Former Boston Archbishop Bernard Law resigned in 2002 after
church documents suggested he had covered up sexual abuse committed by
Two bishops of Palm Beach, Fla., resigned because of child
abuse allegations.
A Missouri court last year convicted Bishop Robert
Finn of a misdemeanor for failure to report a priest’s child pornography
to authorities — the first time a sitting bishop had been convicted of
such an offense.
D’Antonio and others say that abuse litigation could
continue for years, depending on how many victims step forward and how
the archdiocese responds.
Minnesota may have a long road ahead, they say.