The audit report revealed that 46 allegations of abuse were reported
between 2006 and 2012.
Some 55 per cent of the allegations were of a
sexual nature, 19 per cent reported physical abuse, 11 per cent alleged
verbal abuse and 15 per cent related to alleged emotional abuse.
More than half of the allegations – 56 per cent – were made against priests, while 22 per cent were claims against volunteers.
The audit report is one of three initiatives announced by the
Catholic Church in Scotland "in a spirit of openness and transparency",
following a series of scandals, including a spate of allegations of
sexual abuse at Fort Augustus Abbey School.
Earlier this year the most senior Catholic in Scotland, Cardinal
Keith O'Brien announced he was stepping down after allegations of sexual
misconduct appeared in the press.
The Church has also announced a statistical review of historic abuse
cases between 1947 and 2005.
It also announced it is bringing in the former moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Andrew McLellan, to review its safeguarding procedures.
Mr McLellan was also chief inspector of prisons in Scotland.
It also announced it is bringing in the former moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Andrew McLellan, to review its safeguarding procedures.
Mr McLellan was also chief inspector of prisons in Scotland.
A letter read at all Masses last Sunday on behalf of the bishops of
Scotland said: "The bishops’ conference is confident these initiatives
will show that the Catholic Church in Scotland is unreservedly committed
to the ongoing implementation of safeguarding procedures and protocols.
Moreover, these initiatives will in large part meet the need for
accurate information about our present and historic safeguarding
situation, openness and transparency, and a guarantee of independent
analysis of our policies and processes."