“While improvements in food production remain an important goal, food
security will be achieved by all only when we change social structures
and when we learn to show greater solidarity towards the poor and the
hungry,” Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, the apostolic nuncio leading the
Vatican’s permanent observer mission to the United Nations, said Oct.
“Hunger is not just a technical problem awaiting technological
solutions,” he added.
“Hunger is a human problem that demands solutions
based on our common humanity.”
The archbishop addressed the second committee of the 68th session of the
U.N. General Assembly on agriculture development, food security and
Archbishop Chullikatt said that hunger is not caused by the lack of
sufficient food, noting that an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food are
wasted each year. He cited Pope Francis’ words that it is “truly
scandalous” for millions to be suffering and dying of starvation.
“A way has to be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits of
the earth, and not simply to close the gap between the affluent and
those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table, but
above all to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness and respect for
every human being,” the Pope said June 20 in a speech to participants in
a conference run by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization.
“Whenever food is thrown out, it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor, from the hungry!” the Pope insisted.
Archbishop Chullikatt told the U.N. committee that wasting food is
sometimes tolerated because it can be more financially profitable than
providing it to those in extreme need.
Hunger is caused by “exclusion,” he explained. Agriculture policies must
promote inclusion and “respect for the dignity and rights of those
still on the margins of today’s society” as well as respect for the
well-being of future generations.
He also warned that food access can become a “weapon” for controlling or
subjugating populations instead of “a tool for building peaceful and
prosperous communities.”
The archbishop invoked subsidiarity, the principle of Catholic social
teaching that human activities be carried out at “the most local and
immediate level possible.”
This principle encourages helping people
become self-sufficient in food or helping them earn a livelihood whose
products they can exchange for food.
Food security should be a singular goal, the archbishop said, “so that
there will be ever fewer people suffering from poverty and hunger in our