“When young people discover the path to holiness, new horizons open up before them,” Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga told CNA today at the site of his catechetical session, Saint Augustine parish in Rio de Janeiro.
“We should not be afraid to proclaim this, because the Holy Spirit wants to make a work of art out of each baptized person, and saints are the Christian’s work of art.”
“We should not be afraid to pose this challenge.”
The cardinal from Honduras said the atmosphere in Brazil is one of joy and much happiness.
“We are seeing great enthusiasm in the young people and I think this has contributed to the Holy Father coming here with so much anticipation and to the wonderful gestures of the new evangelization that he has made.”
The Pope rode “in a simple little car,” Cardinal Rodriguez noted, and the enthusiasm “raised concern among some security officials but in the end it was not a problem.”
“A second element is the catechesis, which involves so much participation and is so spiritual and interesting because of the questions that are raised.”
“The young people make us see that they have great concern for the faith,” he reflected.
“These young people have not come to just walk around or have fun. They have come motivated by the faith, and that is beautiful.”
He encouraged all those involved in youth ministry around the world not grow weary or become discouraged, “because being committed to this task is worth it” and will bear much fruit.
Cardinal Rodriguez was one of more than 250 bishops delivering catechetical sessions for pilgrims in Rio this week. The catecheses are meant to help the pilgrims to understand, and to absorb Pope Francis' message into their lives.
Young people from Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and Uruguay attended the cardinal’s catechetical session at Saint Augustine's.