Father Denis brings many gifts to the task of being chief shepherd of Kildare and Leighlin.
His leaving us leaves a deep void since his contribution to the mission of faith in the Diocese went far beyond his own parish.
He has at all times brought to his priestly ministry great dedication, commitment and wisdom both during his ten years in the Cathedral parish, Mullingar and since 1998 as Parish Priest of Saint Mary’s.
Father Denis became Ireland’s youngest parish priest at the time of his appointment to Saint Mary’s, a large and expanding parish. He brings to his ministry intelligence and approachability, rooted in a deep faith, that was appreciated by all who crossed his path.
I have every confidence that he will fulfil his new ministry with the same dedication and commitment that has characterised his priestly life. He goes with the prayers and good wishes of all of us, priests and people.
+Michael Smith
Bishop of Meath