Monday, May 06, 2013

Hierarchy focus on lobbying rather than challenging law
The Catholic hierarchy will not mount a legal challenge to the Government’s planned legislation on abortion.

Bishops will instead focus their attention on trying to mobilise support among Catholics for their stance by having them lobby their TDs and senators in the run-up to the vote on the legislation expected to take place in July.

The hierarchy has also left the threat of excommunication hanging over Catholic members of the Dáil who vote for the so-called abortion legislation in its current format.

The newly installed Bishop of Limerick, Brendan Leahy, speaking to reporters at a National Prayer Vigil for the Right to Life of Mothers and Babies in Knock on Saturday, dismissed the notion of a legal challenge to the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Bill.

Replying to a question in Irish, the bishop said: “That is not planned at all. But we are making a serious choice right now and we have to think about the decision to be made. We have the Gospel of Life and that’s the most important thing”.

Cardinal Sean Brady refused to be drawn on the consequences for Catholic ministers who introduce the legislation or TDs who vote for it as it stands.

Asked if a TD who voted for the legislation as published would not automatically be excommunicated and should not, therefore, present himself/herself for Holy Communion, Archbishop Brady replied: “That is down the line at the moment, as far as we are concerned. It [our job] is to convince the electorate first of all and the legislators to change”.

Pressed on the matter, Cardinal Brady pointed out that the exact legislation that would be introduced was not yet known.

“We know what the law is about excommunication about abortion, that’s a fact. But, as I say, the most important issue at this moment is to win the hearts and minds of the people of Ireland to decide with the Pro Life.”

He described the proposed legislation as morally unacceptable, suggesting it may amount to evil. He was responding to a question asking if it was also morally unacceptable for a Catholic legislator to introduce it.

“We’re trying to persuade them not to introduce it. We have to, in addition to do good, we also have to oppose evil and to oppose a law that would take away fundamental rights from people — [it] should be opposed.”

The message from the event in Knock was that human life was very precious and any attempt to destroy human life was unacceptable morally.

He agreed that the job of legislators was to legislate, “but I don’t think they have power over life, none of us have absolute power over life. They say they have got it from the people, but the people cannot give something that they haven’t got themselves, namely the power over life.”