Catholic bishops have increased the pressure on Fine Gael TDs to
oppose the planned legislation allowing abortion in limited
circumstances, branding the proposals “dramatic and morally wrong”.
first response since last Tuesdays’ publication of the outline of the
Protection of Human Life during Pregnancy Bill was strongly worded,
claiming it would, if approved, “make the direct and intentional killing
of unborn children lawful in Ireland”.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny tried to assuage the fears of his backbenchers —
about a dozen of whom had concerns about the inclusion of suicide for
grounds for abortion — despite the requirement of a very rigorous test
to prove suicidal intent.
“It’s important to know the law is not being changed here. What is
contained is a clarification of existing rights within existing laws and
the constitution,” Mr Kenny said on Wednesday.
However, in a statement last Friday, the 31 Catholic bishops said: “The
bill as outlined represents a dramatic and morally unacceptable change
to Irish law and is unnecessary to ensure that women receive the
life-saving treatment they need during pregnancy.”
The statement said the “deliberate decision to deprive an innocent human
being of life is always morally wrong” but focused particularly on the
suicide grounds.
“Abortion, in the sense of directly killing the unborn child, is never a
remedy for suicidal ideation and therefore should never be cited as a
justification for the direct killing of an innocent human being.
“It is a tragic moment for Irish society when we regard the deliberate
destruction of a completely innocent person as an acceptable response to
the threat of the preventable death of another person.”
Cardinal Brady said that politicians had a “solemn duty” to
oppose abortion and did not rule out refusing Communion to those who
vote in favour of the legislation.
“I say they [politicians] have an obligation to oppose the laws that are
attacking something so fundamental as the right to life and they would
have to follow their own conscience.”
The intervention may also sway some Fianna Fáil TDs and senators who are deciding whether their party should support the bill.
Health spokesman Billy Kelleher said legislation is needed to deal with a
lacuna in Irish law — where a Supreme Court ruling existed but was not
legislated for. He said there are “strong views” in the party, which is
closely divided on the issue.
Another frontbench spokesman, Willie O’Dea, said it would be “very, very
difficult” for the party to reach a consensus position.