Both the cardinal and Fr. Valdemar were sued for their statements in opposition to the country’s Supreme Court ruling allowing homosexual marriage and adoption.
In response to a request by the NCPD to reach a settlement, Cardinal Rivera and his spokesman refused saying, “Our positions regarding the issue of marriage and adoption between persons of the same sex are not reconcilable through a settlement process, because our position emanates from our religious creed.”
However, they did express their willingness to engage in a respectful dialogue with NCPD officials “that is centered on the equality of all persons to exercise their due rights and freedoms.”
Respect for the family is essential on the part of the Church as well as the State, which is called “to protect and support the true nature of marriage and the family, public morality, the rights of parents and domestic well being,” they said.
“Our conduct has always been based on the exercise of our religious freedom, which is expressed in the Constitution … and thus guarantees that this freedom cannot be restricted or suspended,” the cardinal and his spokesman added.