Thursday, September 09, 2010

Jesus the Christ National eConference next week

The Jesus the Christ eConference, organised by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Broken Bay Institute, will be held on Thursday, September 16.

Speaker Father Gerald O'Collins SJ "will engage the audience as he shares his insights into the life and ministry of Christ", said a statement.

Fr O'Collins is author and co-author of over 55 titles, including Living Vatican II, Catholicism Easter Faith: Believing in the Risen Jesus and Experiencing Jesus.

He has written for professional journals and is a regular contributor to TV and radio, said the statement about the eConference.

The free webcast can be accessed in a venue with internet connection and a computer, data projector, a screen and a set of speakers.

The session will include discussion time and an opportunity to email questions to the presenter in real-time.