Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bishops learn to be bishops in Rome

Thirty nine recently ordained bishops from Asia have joined 102 bishops from around the world at a Rome seminar organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

The bishops are from 40 nations: 24 from Africa (57 bishops), 11 from Asia (39 bishops), 3 from America (4 bishops), and 2 from Oceania (2 bishops), Fides reports.

The seminar, underway at the Pontifical College of St. Paul the Apostle, began with the celebration of Vespers on Sunday, September 5, and will conclude on Saturday, September 18 with a concelebrated Mass at the tomb of the Apostle St. Peter.

The aim of the seminar, which continues a tradition started in 1994 by the Missionary Congregation, is to provide all newly appointed bishops with time to pray, reflect more deeply on their life and on their episcopal ministry, which especially in the early years may hold difficulties and problems.

The first talk, which began the session this morning, covered “The Reality of the Mission Ad Gentes in the World and the Church Today,” by Fr. Alberto Trevisiol, IMC. Thhe Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Cardinal Ivan Dias, and the Secretary, Archbishop Robert Sarah, will illustrate the origin, development, and skills of the Missionary Congregation and the entities that depend from it (universities, institutes, colleges).

On the morning of Friday, September 10, Archbishop Piergiuseppe Vacchelli, Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, will present the structure, working areas, and activities of the four Pontifical Societies.

Among the speakers who will give talks at the seminar are: Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera (Munus sanctificandi), Cardinal George Cottier (spirituality of the bishop), Cardinal William Levada (Munus docendi), Cardinal Francis George (Munus gubernandi), Cardinal Claudio Hummes (fatherhood towards priests), Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski (formation in seminaries and of the clergy), Cardinal Attilio Nicora (administrative service), Cardinal Frank Rode (consecrated life), Cardinal Walter Kasper (interreligious and ecumenical dialogue), Archbishop Nicholas Eterovic (Synod of Bishops), Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli (using media for evangelization), Archbishop Rino Fisichella (family and life), Archbishop Dominique Mamberti (relations with states), Bishop Joseph Clemens (participation of the laity in the life and mission of the Church), Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi (social doctrine), Archbishop Leo Burke (administration of justice).