The party had made a manifesto promise to attempt - for the third time - to get rid of the free speech defence to the crime of homophobic abuse, so there is little doubt that Christians would have seen more of the same had Gordon Brown remained Prime Minister.
But can things only get better?
You might conclude from the image of the Conservative party - the Church of England when not at prayer, remember - painted by some that Britain is now on its way to becoming some sort of Saudi-style theocracy.
Religion was fairly unimportant in the election campaign, but early on when the Tories unveiled their marriage tax break and David Cameron gave an interview to The Catholic Herald in which he spoke out against abortion and assisted suicide, it seemed as though it would play a significant part.
It turned out that faith simply became something with which to attack a candidate, as Chris Grayling found to his cost when he attempted to stand up for the Christian B&B owners who had turned away a gay couple.
Philippa Stroud, another high-profile Conservative, was said by the same Sunday newspaper that did for Grayling to have set up a church where gay youths went to have their demons exorcised.
She was not elected but has since become a Special Adviser to Iain Duncan Smith, so no doubt the attacks on her (and those who fail to report the attacks on her) will continue.
Another prominent Christian Tory, Nadine Dorries, tweeted when Dr Evan Harris, the Lib Dem who supports abortion rights and assisted suicide, lost his seat: “Do my eyes and ears deceive me? Has Dr Death really lost his seat?”
So yes, there are some God-fearing Tories out there, and it is certainly true that David Cameron and Nick Clegg are likely to be more polite and respectful in their dealings with church groups than certain Labour MPs were, on account of their impeccable upbringing in some of Britain's most traditional public schools and universities.
But whether by accident or design, the coalition could end up making the country even more secular than Labour managed.
As this newspaper has already pointed out, depending on when Samantha Cameron has her baby and how much time her husband takes off in paternity leave, September could bring about the slightly odd situation that Benedict XVI is greeted on the first ever papal state visit to Britain by a confirmed atheist, Mr Clegg.
Soon after, by the way, we could have non-believers running two of the main political parties given that David Miliband is the leading contender to replace Gordon Brown as Labour leader. No son of the manse he, although his son does attend a CofE primary school on account of his wife having made the very rare journey from childhood Lutheran to current communicant at an Anglo-Catholic church in Kentish Town.
Another consequence of the Tories' power-sharing deal is that reform of the Lords looks inevitable. Already the bishops have been complaining about the reduction of elbow room on the Government benches thanks to the influx of Lib Dem peers but they could soon be begging for any space at all in the second chamber.
If the Lords Spiritual do lose their places, will this prove to be the thread that starts unravelling the bond between church and state, ending in disestablishment?
Meanwhile, as The Church of England Newspaper discovered last week, Downing Street has “no idea” when it will get around to appointing a new Second Church Estates Commissioner – the Church of England’s man in the Commons.
The Lib Dems are not exactly fervent supporters of faith schools either and want them to be forced to take pupils from different backgrounds.
I asked Nick Clegg about this on the campaign trail and although he denied they wanted quotas, he insisted that faith schools must become “engines of integration, not silos of segregation”.
The coalition will also have to deal with the implementation of the Equality Act, as it gained Royal Assent just before the last Parliament was dissolved. Although the clauses most unpopular with bishops were removed, how long will it be before it is used against a religious worker in an employment tribunal?
In addition, the new Government must draw up the necessary guidance for the introduction of civil partnerships in places of worship.
Even Labour weren't keen on this one as it ends the symmetry between same-sex unions and civil marriages, but it was forced through in the Lords with no time to amend it in the Commons without losing the entire Equality Bill.
However, little noticed during the campaign was the fact that the Tories were the only party to commit to looking at whether gay marriage should be allowed.
Will the party, egged on by the more progressive Lib Dems, decide that the simplest way to allow civil partnerships to take place in churches is to call them weddings?