Irish RC church in need of reshaping and shaking, Ireland a suicide nation, Sotto Voce returns from his sojourn, Il Papa upset over collapse of marriages, CofI AB states churches should not expect special place in modern society, Il Papa visits Austria...
Rent-a-priest business booming, New Orleans clergy need counselling, Swedish Muslim uproar over (another) cartoon, Web beating confessionals, Scottish AB advises RC faith under attack, seperation of faith and state required...
Irish schools face issues with inter racial issues, NY RC implements programme for abusive clergy, RC AB of Westminster tipped as RC cardinal in UK, death of Vatican cadet, Vatican endorsed coffins, Holy See and Israel negotiations continue...
Mother Teresa remembered, Polish Cardinal wants control of radio station, RC education row brewing in Ireland, Italian RC spoiling for fight, Austrian RC's leaving church, papal document causing friction, gays target Brazilian Christians...
Mel Gibson building $37milion church, internal appointments in Vatican, RC dioceses in Canada redrawn, UN warning to Irish government over school places, Peres and Il Papa meet, Vatican raises the rent on properties...
Myanmar troops fire on monks, Il Papa faces gay hostility in Austria, 2008 Il Papa to vist Holy Land, Italian priest proposes platonic love, San Diego RC Archdiocese settles CSA cases for $200 million, CofE fears reduction of influence in equality bill...
Bin Laden advises conversion to Islam, Il Papa criticises Europeans for not having more cildren (a bit rich considering his position), Ian Paisley steps down as church leader, Il Papa reminds of importance of Sunday, Kenya awaits Cardinal appointment, Vatican boosts carbon neutral efforts...
Irish theologian brown-noses Il Papa, Kung believes Christianity upsets and offends many, Il Papa says Vatican II essential, 9/11 remembered, english missal in 2009, Ncube resigns, no apocalypse secret hidden says Vatican, Milingo still RC...
Fr Cleary double life, religion dans l'ecole surprise, Christian heritage of Europe urged, Vatican forced resignation of Ncube, AB Rowan Williams attempts to heal the divide, US theologian under investigation by Vatican, Army of Mary thrown out...
Sr Jeannie still fighting Vatican for LGBT rights, Irish RC schools enrollment policy may be illegal, new Irish bishop appointed (2 more still required!!), Vatican still no to euthanasia, Korean cardinal egged, relics of JPII available...leading into 2nd half of September... ....and we enter the final half of the month of September with disturbing news of a Jehovah's Witness being condemned for conscientious objection, Iraq religious freedom all but gone, German AB art criticism upsets many, Irish bishops defend themselves from racist tag...
Crucifixes removed from Quebec schools as result of parents complaints, AB Rowan Williams in US to heal potential Anglican schism, Il Papa not trusted in poll taken, RC in UK wants exemptions from equality laws, Europe needs Christian contribution...
Il Papa to tour USA, Irish diocese finds itself at centre of another CSA allegation, Il Papa drops McCanns from website, controversy over late Il Papa JPII and euthanasia...
Fr Cleary (RIP) under scrutiny in Ireland, Korean bishops misinform public about AB Milingo, German envoy to Ireland suffers Freudian slip, AB Ncube replacement appointed, Il Papa and Patriarch to meet in Naples...
Il Papa warns theologians, Amnesty International booted from Northern Ireland schools, Westminster Diocese boom time with seminarians, Il Papa refused meet Rice, RC leaders in Mexico verbally assault CSA victim, Il Papa to speak at UN...
RC and Judaic Commission meet Il Papa, Portuguese priests in Madelaine case interview priests, Vatican to investigate Florence CSA case, Vatican-approved bishop ordained in China, Myanmar Buddhist monks on march for democracy, RC in Cameroon becoming sinful...
Il Papa to make moral obligation towards environment, confession returns and becomes popular, Irish religious bias, German bishop apologises for paedophile priest, Il Papa takes second blast at Islam...
Il Papa to visit Albania, Oklahoma priest to be canonized, Vatican ratlines funded by Nazi money, Anglicans breaking up (??), Anglican bishop to convert to RC, priest serves beer at Oktoberfest, Il Papa reminds bishops of their duties, Dutch Dominicans cause surprise in Rome...
RC excommunicates 6 nuns for alleged heresy, Anglican AB says politics not a religious area, primacy of the Sabbath, controversy over gay 'Last Supper' advert, RC church not only one linked to Apostles, clerical paranoia over HIV/AIDS, Il Papa reshuffle of Curia makes it more Italian than ever before...
Ncube successor appointed, RC -v- witchcraft in Central Africa, Vatican theolgian investigation raises questions, Death of an Innocent continued, religious freedom in Cuba growing, Il Papa picking his battles, deceased bishop labelled a molestor, circumcision, female RC priest and finish on RTÉ getting religious pisstake warning...
Thus ends the second compilation of stories from Clerical Whispers for the month of the Holy Cross and we now face into the month of October, also liturgically referred to as the month of the Holy Rosary...
Sotto Voce