At that time, I contended that there would be a Garda cover-up as the person guilty of murdering him is no-one less than the son of Garda McGovern, and my worst fears have come to pass on this matter...please read the following which was submitted to me yesterday, Friday 28th September 2007 and it is nothing short of a disgrace on the justice system we are alleged to have in this country....
Read it and weep my dear people, as the Doherty family have, and as I have now that we know that everything is being done to ensure a murderer is going to walk the streets again because his father is a Garda and every string is being pulled to ensure the little bastard is allowed to potentially murder again...I speak as I find and if you feel my language is unacceptable due to my being a cleric, well then understand that I find this corruption of basic civil law unacceptable also.
Sometimes as priests we are accused of being too silent in certain areas and too loud on others so let me say this...
Shame on Bishop Walsh for not supporting this family and asking for an independent inquiry considering how vocal you once were in supporting the travelling community...your hands are tainted from having connections with the Gardai which merit investigation!!!...
Shame on the clergy in Ennis for not asking more questions of those in alleged authority who will ensure everything is done to cover-up this matter...your silence is indicitive of your own complicit guilt alongside that of your bishop...
Shame on those in charge for allowing this murderer attend a Graduation Ball after such an unforgivable deed...you have disgraced yourselves and the good name of Michael Doherty!!
Shame on the people of Ennis for not saying or doing anything but rather attempting to ignore the fact that an innocent life was taken on your streets but then again your narrow mindedness in relation to travellers permits you to do so...hold your heads in shame as you have no right to hold them otherwise!!!
Shame on the Gardai but then again, that word and corruption are basically co-existant with the term Garda Siochana at this stage...yet again your contempt for the travelling community becomes more apparent!!!
Shame on the Judge and his pomposity...no doubt he will as per usual remain biased in favour of the Gardai instead of ensuring justice is discharged as indeed same judge should be himself!!!
Shame on the legal team engaged at the taxpayers expense despite his father being a Garda and his mother being a nurse for defending the indefensible...defend the evil and no doubt discredit the dead...for the few tainted euro which you will charge to the State illegaly....
The blood of Michael Doherty is not just on the hands of the family McGovern but indeed on you all for your silence, perversion of the course of justice, corruption, arrogance, ignorance and other traits that accompany the guilt of those who would rather wipe the life of an innocent from their minds now that he is in his grave...
Hereunder is what was received so now reflect and do ask yourselves the very question posed by the person who submitted this information to me...Who will be next???
"Sotto Voce" means to speak under one's breath. I must say this has been the loudest and most truthful voice yet. Thank you!
Michael is dead with 14yrs of age.
Knifed down and murdered by a 17year old son of an Ennis Garda who was let off on bail, given free legal aid and from what is being rumoured had the indecency to attend his Graduation Ball.
Michael, was a most loving and serene young boy.
His family are devastated. There are not any words to describe what his parents John and Nora are going through.
Thank God they have their faith in God because this, and the hope that justice will be done, is about the only thing keeping them going. Keeping everyone going.
The hearing of the book of evidence will be held this morning. No member of Michael's family are allowed to attend this hearing.
Will he get off with it?
Looking at how the situation was dealt with up to now, it would not surprise me.
I am disgusted with the Garda, with certain reporters and their one sided coverage and with a lot of members of the Ennis community for their cowardice of not standing up demanding justice.
My final word here it to everyone out there.
Everyone with a child, a grandchild, a brother or a sister.
Michael just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Had Michael left Supermacs 10 minutes earlier or gone somewhere else for food then he would be still here with his family and friends.
It would be you or your family mourning now.
The young man that did this was carrying a knife, a deadly weapon obviously with the intention at some time to do someone damage.
Remember this, if he gets off this this murder he will be out their with the knowledge that he was able to take the life of an innocent person and get away it!!
Who will be next?
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Sotto Voce