Though the Roman Catholic Church can trace its apostolic succession to St Peter, it is not the only one which can make such a claim.
The Oriental Orthodox Church, such as the Egyptian, Ethiopian, Armenian, and Indian, and the Eastern Orthodox churches – the Greek, Russian, Romanian, and so on, can trace their apostolic succession to St Mark, St Thomas, and others.
Linking bishops to apostles is by no means a new tactic.
The first bishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Frumentius, was consecrated by the Patriarch.
Athanasius of the Egyptian Orthodox Church was consecrated by the Apostle Mark.
Frumentius was consecrated Abba Selama (Father of Peace). He was consecrated because there was not an apostle in Ethiopia to administer the rite of baptism and the Eucharist.
The Romans claim under the primacy of Peter to be the head of the apostolic churches.
This is incorrect because all the apostles were equal.
However, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches are in constant dialogue.
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