Thursday, January 16, 2025

'We need more like him' - Tipp priest chimes in on heated eulogy debate on Katie Hannon

 A priest from Thurles joined in on the debate regarding eulogies at funerals on RTE's Upfront with Katie Hannon on Monday night. 

The debate emerged from a lively discussion on Liveline with Joe Duffy last week, and last night's episode has had a major response online.

With some churches enforcing bans on eulogies and non-church music at funerals, guests and audience members debated on the show whether this should be allowed.

Father Vincent Stapleton from Thurles had his say on the show, with many agreeing and disagreeing. 

Speaking on his own church's stance on the issue, Father Stapleton said: "We ask them to keep to roughly about the same length as what I'd be saying which would be 5 to 7 minutes or so and to script it."

He said that, thankfully, the vast majority of people "are quite respectful of the sacred space." 

However, he added: "I would have times where I suppose the decorum of the house isn't honoured, not very often and usually it's not through wilfull reasons.

"People just tend to not be used to the public space and go on for quite a long time - maybe once or twice the use of bad language."

Regarding the discussion on music at funerals, he said: "I do feel like the mindset of many people have become secularised and we all know that in Ireland really, it is a fact of life. But that does come into the space then."

Father Stapleton revealed that he's seen 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' by Guns N' Roses and Shania Twain being played during communion at weddings.

The Tipperary priest's balanced approach towards the sensitive topic has garnered a lot of respect from both sides of the debate.

Locals also took the opportunity to commend Father Stapleton and express their appreciation for him in the parish of Thurles.

On Facebook, one person said: "My local priest and he is highly regarded. I lost my husband in October and he couldn't do enough for us. We need more priests like him."

Another commented: "Vinny is a brilliant person and an even better priest."

His reference to Guns N' Roses, which got some laughs from the audience, was also mentioned online, with one person saying it was "priceless". 

Many of the comments online, however, have expressed anger over the issue, saying that it's "none of priests business."

One person wrote: "A lot worse has happened in our churches than the use of bad language."

Another said: "I can't believe this is even being discussed, everyone has the right to a eulogy end of story."