Priests across the country have voiced their delight with the “massive” number of parishioners who attended their Christmas Masses. Many clergy were “impressed” and “encouraged” by the turnout, with others noting it was the best they have seen in years.
Fr Andrew O’Sullivan PP of Rathgar and Rathmines in Dublin said there were “full churches” for Christmas eve and Christmas day and that there was “a wonderful atmosphere and a lot of good will. Our numbers were the best they have been in many years”.
Based in Ennis, Co. Clare, Fr Tom Ryan Co-PP/VF said: “Our numbers were exceptional at all our Masses. We celebrated 18 Masses in the parish of Ennis on Christmas Eve and Christmas day – extremely good numbers at all of them.
“It was very encouraging. I wouldn’t say numbers have recovered since Covid, but we experienced full churches and happy people so overall it was a positive experience.”
Fr Dermot Ryan, the Administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral in Kilkenny, told The Irish Catholic the cathedral was “packed to capacity” for all their Christmas Masses.
“It was wonderful to see people come together in such numbers to celebrate that which is at the heart of Christmas. It was great also to see a packed cathedral for the welcome Mass for the Jubilee of Hope last weekend led by Bishop Niall Coll,” he added.
Based in Wicklow, Fr Aquinas Duffy PP of Wicklow, Kilbride & Barndarrig, and Ashford & Glenealy said “we were very impressed with the numbers that attended this year” in the seven churches in their area.
“We’re not quite back to the pre-Covid Christmas time, but all the churches were full for nearly all of the Masses which was a very good sign. I was very impressed that for the daily Mass for January 1 there was an incredible number of people, it was as big as a Sunday,” Fr Duffy said.
“I think there’s something about Christmas that touches people’s hearts and it certainly brings people out to Mass on those occasions – they might not come for the rest of the year – but the point is that it is very much still part of our tradition that people go to Mass at Christmas and I think it’s good that is still there, it’s a very positive thing.”
Fr Conor McGrath – PP of St Colmcille’s, Belfast – said they had four Masses over Christmas and at one there was “standing room only”.
“I have to say there wouldn’t have been much space available on each of the days, truth be told. Naturally with people coming home from working abroad or university, you will see an increased level of young people. So there was definitely in increase in general of younger families and young people so it was good and healthy to see,” he said.
Fr John Deignan PP of Ss Peter and Paul parish in Athlone said that there was “massive attendance in all three churches in our parish. It was really nice, lots of young families, teenagers, a nice spirit… There was a nice atmosphere of togetherness”.
Fr Barry Matthews, Administrator of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh said numbers were probably up and that they had two early Masses “which were full of families, so the six and the half six had huge numbers of families at it”.