Monday, February 13, 2023

Bishop Denis Nulty to celebrate Mass at the Shrine of Saint Valentine, Whitefriar Street


Today, Monday, 13 February at 11:30am, Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin and President of Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG, will celebrate Mass at the Shrine of Saint Valentine, Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church, Dublin.

All are invited to this annual Mass, during which there will be an opportunity for couples to renew their marriage vows. 

Bishop Nulty said, ‘The renewal of vows is a reminder of the significance of Catholic Marriage and how the power of God has brought two people together in the Sacrament of Marriage.’

Following Mass, the annual Blessing of the Rings of engaged couples on behalf of Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service will also take place at the Shrine of Saint Valentine.