Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Litany of St. Brigid

Brigid of the hearth and the hare
Brigid of the spark and the flame
Brigid of the cloak and the veil
Brigid of the herb and the stars
Brigid of the byre and the kine
Brigid of the ill and the old
Brigid of the young and the wild
Brigid of the poor and the voiceless
Brigid of the oak and the staff
Brigid of the long nights watching
Brigid of the Sun's slow dawning
Brigid of the Moon's spring rising
Brigid of the first bloom’s flowering
Brigid of the well’s gentle healing
Brigid of the Earth’s old wisdom
Brigid of the Nun’s deep chanting
Brigid of the High King of Heaven
Brigid of the rush woven cross
Brigid of the shaven head
Brigid of the lost sword
Brigid of the royal house
Brigid Abbess of the duel house of prayer
Brigid Eldress of the sanctuary’s light
Brigid Wise Woman of the healing touch
Brigid saint of Ireland
Pray for us