"Simeon Czeslaw Stachera, Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies
of Morocco and Vicar General of Tangier, is above all a missionary".
This is how the Director of the PMS in Spain, Father Anastasio Gil,
yesterday presented this Franciscan missionary of Polish origin who
worked for many years in Bolivia.
Today he is "Everybody’s Pastor" and
not just the Pastor of a small Christian community of Morocco.
Stachera affirmed that "when there is friendship between Christians and
Muslims, there is no more fear, which is why the Church in Morocco knows
that it cannot remain in churches, but go out to all, to the families,
wherever it is possible to preserve and give dignity to human life".
As National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies of Morocco, he
also works with children: first of all with Christian minorities, in
which it is necessary to work especially with children of foreign
workers who spend a period of time in the country.
Then in the education
of Moroccan children and in the fight against poverty. In this regard,
he highlighted the generosity of the Spanish Church, in terms of staff
(there are 78 Spanish missionaries in the country) and of economic aid.
The third area, from 5 or 6 years of age, concerns children of the most
vulnerable migrants, in which vulnerable situations cover a wide range,
from those who are abandoned to those who lose their parents.
The PMS Director of Morocco highlighted the Archbishop of Tangier’s
personal involvement, who is also a Franciscan Spanish missionary, His
Exc. Mgr. Santiago Agrelo. Father Stachera bluntly said that "everything
regardingmigrants is ours".
The press conference organized by the PMS in Madrid for Holy Childhood
Day in Spain, which will be celebrated next Sunday, January 22, ended
with Father Gil’s speech who in detail talked about the contribution of
the PMS to this African country, complaining that the only news that we
have of Morocco is always that "fence that separates us", while
"children living in Morocco are like those who live in our city".
Gil finally pointed out that "on the other side of the fence, many
children receive the help of Holy Childhood, even many Muslims, while we
receive the witness of a life of faith that moves us, impels us to
commit ourselves more".