"Today is time of courage" said Pope Francis today, World Mission
Day, before 80,000 people gathered in St Peter’s Square for the
recitation of the Angelus.
In his address, the pontiff called for
prayers for those suffering from violence in Iraq, in particular the
many children killed in Mosul.
"The second reading in today's liturgy.” he said, “presents us the
exhortation of Saint Paul to Timothy, his associate, in which he thinks
back to his life as an apostle wholly consecrated to the mission (cf. 2 Tm,
4:6-8,16-18). Aware that his earthly journey was nearing its end, he
describes it in reference to three seasons: the present, the past, the
future. He interprets the present with the metaphor of sacrifice: ‘For I
am already being poured out like a libation’ (see 6). As for the past,
Paul points to his past life through the images of the "good fight" and
the "race" of a man who was consistent with his commitments and
responsibilities (cf. see 7); consequently, he is confident for the
future in the recognition from God, who is a "just judge" (see 8). But
Paul's mission was effective, just and true only thanks to the closeness
and strength of the Lord, who made him a preacher of the Gospel to all
peoples. Here is his expression: ‘the Lord stood by me and gave me
strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all
the Gentiles might hear it’ (see 17) ".
"In Saint Paul’s autobiographical account, the Church reflects
itself, especially today, World Mission Sunday, whose theme is the missionary Church, a witness of mercy.
The Christian community found in Paul its model in the belief that the
presence of the Lord makes the apostolic work and the work of
evangelisation effective. The experience of the Apostle to the Gentiles
reminds us that we must engage in pastoral and missionary activities, on
the one hand, as if the results depended on our efforts, with the
spirit of sacrifice of the athlete who does not stop even in the face of
defeats; on the other, however, knowing that the true success of our
mission is a gift of grace: it is the Holy Spirit that makes the
Church's mission effective in the world."
"Today is a time of mission and a time of courage! Courage to
strengthen the tottering steps, to get a taste of working for the
Gospel, to regain confidence in the strength that mission brings. It is a
time of courage, even though courage is no guarantee of success. We are
asked to have the courage to fight, not necessarily to win; to
proclaim, not necessarily to convert. We are asked to have the courage
to be alternative to the world without ever becoming argumentative or
aggressive. We are asked to have the courage to be open to everyone
without ever belittling the absoluteness and uniqueness of Christ, the
one Saviour of all. We are asked to have courage to stand up to unbelief
without becoming arrogant. We are also asked to have the courage today
of the Gospel publican who humbly dares not even lift his eyes
heavenward, but beat his breast, saying, 'O God, be merciful to me a
sinner'. Today is a time of courage, today it takes courage!"
After the Marian prayer, the pope called for prayers for Iraq. "At
such a tragic time,” he said, “we are close to the people of Iraq as a
whole, especially to the people of the city of Mosul. Our hearts are
shocked by the heinous acts of violence that have been committed for far
too long against innocent citizens, be they Muslim, Christian or
members of other ethnic groups and religions. I was saddened to hear
news of the cold-blooded killing of many people of that beloved land,
including many children. Such cruelty makes us weep, leaving us
speechless. To the word of solidarity, I add the assurance that I shall
remember in prayer so that Iraq, whilst suffering, may be both strong
and firm in the hope of moving towards a future of security,
reconciliation and peace. Hence, I call on all of you to join me in