The former president of Ireland and UN Secretary General’s Special
Envoy on El Niño and Climate has said she is pleased to see the
“increasingly important role being played by faith-based organisations
at the United Nations”.
In her Foreword to a new book, ‘The Legacy of Irish Missionaries
Lives On’, Mary Robinson says religious leaders are now more at the
heart of global decision-making where, through their extensive networks
in the developing world, they advocate about living conditions there,
abuses in civil rights and social justice, and climate change.
Elsewhere in her contribution to the new book, Mary Robinson suggests that “Missionaries are an important part of our diaspora.”
She said that “Their committed work, as illustrated dispassionately
in the book and supported with diverse testimonial evidence, has helped
to establish a recognition of Irish values internationally. The
missionary movement is firmly enshrined as a key part of our national
She describes the book as commending the past and pointing to the
future, where the work of the Irish will be continued in a new era by
local and indigenous missionaries and by Irish lay missionary
Mrs Robinson praises the book for providing new insights into the
role played by missionaries in the setting up of APSO in the early
1970s, which led on quickly to the establishment of Ireland’s overseas
aid programme in 1974.
Of the author, Matt Moran, she says he has taken great care in
presenting a deep understanding of the intrinsic values that faith
brings to development and humanitarian aid. She also says that
missionaries “have long … been advocates for protection of nature and
the environment as God’s creation”.
Matt Moran is a former chairman of Misean Cara and he headed up
fundraising and development for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart for
ten years. His book was launched by Senator Rónán Mullen at
St Paul’s Church on Arran Quay.
It reflects on the great humanitarian and development work of missionaries and provides some case histories.
It differs from other books about missionaries by illustrating how the missionary era has changed.
It tells how local and indigenous missionaries are now carrying
forward the legacy of the Irish missionaries with the same passion and
commitment in poor and deprived communities, and during natural
disasters or emergencies where they are first responders.
Most of these local missionaries are members of congregations with
bases in Ireland, but many are also diocesan congregations founded by
the Irish and are a key part of the Irish legacy.
In her Foreword, Mary Robinson writes, “Told by a lay insider the
story is easy to read. Matt Moran has an in-depth knowledge of the
missionary movement.”
Using his knowledge of missionaries, she says “he has thoughtfully
brought together in this book the views of academics, leaders of church
and state, development specialists, media personnel, historians, and
diplomats as well as missionaries and the people they support in the
developing world.”
“Their shared experiences provide a wealth of knowledge and insight
into the truly remarkable contribution and impact that our missionaries
have made, and are continuing to make alongside their successors and
partners in the developing world.”
She also highlights how the shift in Christianity from the north to
the south is impacting on the number and visibility of missionaries in
Ireland, and thus the traditional connection between Ireland and
developing countries is declining.
“Using his experience in town twinning and supporting it with
interesting case histories, Matt Moran demonstrates how parish twinning
is an innovative model of partnership in international relations and a
bridge that can connect communities in Ireland and the global south.”
Mrs Robinson says that many missionaries are passionate leaders in
tackling issues of gender equality and improving the welfare of women in
developing countries.
“Both directly and through their networks they focus on education for
the girl child, female genital mutilation, pregnancy and child-birth
services, early marriage of girls, the vulnerability of women and girls
especially in human trafficking, and psycho-social supports during
crises such as Ebola and HIV.”
Sponsored by the Irish Missionary Union and Trócaire, ‘The Legacy of
Irish Missionaries Lives On’ is published by OnStream Publications Cork.
The book contains a series of articles and reflections from across
four continents by missionaries, leaders of church and state, diplomats,
documentary-makers, journalists, development consultants, and
academics, as well as some beneficiaries of the work of missionaries,
including a tribal chief in Nigeria.
The numbers of Irish missionaries now serving in developing countries
has declined to 1,100 and there are few new entrants to missionary
congregations in Ireland.
Unlike earlier books which give a historical account, this book
illustrates how the work initiated by the Irish is being continued by
indigenous members of their congregations in the global south where
vocations are plentiful, and by diocesan congregations that some Irish
missionaries founded, particularly in Africa and in India.
Missionaries receive significant Irish Aid funding through Misean
Cara, and the book advances a strong case for the continuation of that
funding to local and indigenous missionaries whose development and
humanitarian work amongst the poor is an integral part of Ireland’s
overseas aid programme.
Speaking to, Matt Moran said he believed the most
significant contribution that the book makes to discussion about the
Irish missionary movement is that it illustrates how the legacy of the
Irish is being carried forward in the global south.
“It shows how this continuation is being achieved through the
ministry of local and indigenous members of congregations with whom we
have been familiar in Ireland for many decades, by local diocesan
congregations whom Irish missionaries founded, particularly in several
African countries and in India, and by lay missionary volunteers from
Ireland who dedicate a period of their lives to mission activities and
building the capacity of those local missionaries.”
He added, “Just one example in volunteering is the Columban Fathers having over 50 lay volunteers working with them overseas.”
“So, whilst the Irish missionary movement as we have known it is
changing, its legacy lives on through the seeds that it sowed and are
now bearing fruit in the global south. This reality is often ignored in
the public commentary in Ireland about mission today.”
He also explained that the number of parish twinning partnerships is
increasing between communities in Ireland and developing countries, and
that this is not just in Catholic communities but also in Anglican
“Our missionaries were the human bridge or connection between Ireland
and developing countries but as their numbers now stand at 1,100 and
are declining more and more, that link is being weakened or broken in
many parishes.”
“Parish twinning is a community process involving all ages including
school children and other groups. As Archbishop Michael Neary has
pointed out in the case of the Westport-Aror Partnership and Bishop
Michael Smith has pointed out in the case of his diocesan schools
twinning programme in Meath with Myanmar and Thailand, these new forms
of missionary linkage have enriched faith in these Irish communities as
well as providing support to poor communities overseas.”
In 1999, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
recognised twinning as a valid form of direct co-operation between
churches, and in 2009 the Irish Missionary Union published ‘A Guide for
Parish Twinning Relationships’.
According to Matt Moran, the totality of the influence and impact of
twinning partnerships includes “solidarity, global consciousness,
humanitarian and development aid, culture exchange, and values in social
justice … based on equality and the spirit of the gospels. They see the
global church as one body – our brothers and sisters in Christ –
exactly as our missionaries have seen it for centuries. Effective
twinning can continue the missionary links but also create new ones in a
new situation and a new future.”
‘The Legacy of Irish Missionaries Lives On’ is available in bookshops or online at
Profit from sales will go to World Missions Ireland for missionary activity in the global south.