"A sign of unity for the Church and for the entire nation," said Archbishop Charles Bo of Yangon during the ordination Mass on February 2, attended by 15 bishops, hundreds of priests and religious, 4,000 lay Catholics and many Christians of other denominations.
In his homily, Archbishop Bo retraced the journey of Christians in areas where Chin tribes live.
"The history of the diocese of Hakha is the story of a 50-year journey of faith of the people. It was launched by bishops, priests, religious and indigenous laity. Bishop Lucius is the result of this story, of people who have passed on and witnessed faith from generation to generation," he said.
Bishop Hrekung has chosen, "Thy kingdom come" as his motto.
"This is your compass, based on faith, and this is his prayer that will always be good news for everyone," congratulated Archbishop Bo and warned of the "divisions that weaken the credibility of evangelization".
He said that the Catholic Church embraces all tribes and ethnic groups in Myanmar – Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Shan, Bamar and others – promoting harmony in the Christian community and across the nation.
The Archbishop reminded that the journey of faith in the nation was never without obstacles.
“In 2014, the Church in Myanmar celebrates 500 years of its journey of faith. Our ancestors gave their lives for their faith. During the dark period of nationalization, the doors were closed to missionaries. We became weak and lived in fear. Yet we have always trusted in God."