Venerable Mother M. Angeline Teresa was born Bridget Teresa McCrory on January 21 1893 in Co Tyrone.
However, when she was just seven years old the family moved from Ireland to Scotland.
At nineteen, she joined the Little Sisters of the Poor and made her novitiate in France.
The Congregation was engaged in the care of the destitute aged.
After profession she was sent to the US.
In 1927, she and six other members of the Little Sisters of the Poor were granted permission by the Vatican to begin a new community that would be focused on care of the aged.
In 1931, the fledgling community affiliated itself to the Order of Carmel and became known as the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm.
When she died on January 21 1984, Mother Angeline Teresa’s congregation had blossomed beyond her expectations.
She is remembered for having said, “If you have to fail, let it be on the side of kindness. Be kinder than kindness itself to old people.”