The Rt Rev John Pritchard, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Education, said Church engagement on the issue was taking place on a number of different levels, including the Sex Education Forum which advises Government on sex and relationships education.
He was replying to a question raised in the General Synod, meeting in York, about how the Church plans to respond to a scheme operating in schools in Southampton which ministered a contraceptive implant to 13 and 14-year-old girls without the knowledge of their parents.
The bishop admitted that the issue of sex education and sexual relations was a “hot potato”.
“I would encourage people to make their views, their understandings, their commitment known so that Christian views are very much part of the conversation around this,” he said.
In his written reply, the bishop said that the Sex Education Forum had enabled the Church to ensure that “approaches informed by Christian teaching have been included in the core content to be taught in schools”.
He added that parents remain influential in the process of helping children and young people understand sex and relationships.
“The House commends the work of parishes that seek to support parents especially in relation to bringing up teenage children,” he said.