The Reykjavík Metropolitan Police have completed their
investigation of sexual offenses allegedly committed by a late teacher
at Landakotsskóli, run by the Catholic Church in Iceland, and the case
will now be taken to the courts.
Björgvin Björgvinsson, senior officer of the police’s sex crime department, told that the police received a charge in this case early this year and that it is now in the hands of the prosecution.
The teacher in question committed suicide in 2008 when she jumped out of Landakotsskóli’s tower where she lived.
According to Björgvinsson, the investigation was also
directed towards the school itself and the Catholic Church, where a
priest has also been accused of sex violations, and therefore the case
will likely not be dropped even though the teacher is dead.
reported last weekend that two students at the school had been subject
to mental and sexual violence by the teacher and priest.
A Dutch citizen who served as Catholic bishop in Iceland
in 1996 was accused of sex offenses in the Dutch media in September last
He left Iceland in 2007.
His name did not come up in Fréttatíminn’s coverage.