Thursday, April 07, 2011

Pope looks forward to Easter, beatification of John Paul II

At a midday public audience on Sunday, April 3, Pope Benedict XVI invited the faithful to look forward joyfully to the celebration of Easter and, beyond that, the beatification of Pope John Paul II. 

Reflecting on the day’s Gospel reading, in which Jesus cures the man who was born blind, the Pope said: “We too, because of Adam's sin, are born 'blind', but at the baptismal font we are illuminated by Christ's grace.” 

All of Christian life, the Pope said, “is a continual conformation to Christ,” who is the light of the world. 

That light, he added, “continues to reveal the meaning of human existence in the complex fabric of history.” 

Noting that we had passed the 6th anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II, and are moving toward the May 1 date of his beatification, the Pope voiced his joy that “we will be able to venerate as Blessed this great Pontiff and witness of Christ, and to trust ever more in his intercession.”