the Kremlin tries to keep track of xenophobic trends against the people
from the Caucasus and the reprisal of immigrants – which on 11 December
erupted into veritable urban war in the capital city – the Patriarch of Moscow has also intervened calling for calm.
"The Orthodox faithful - Kirill told the Assembly of the
diocesan clergy of Moscow - should become pioneers in overcoming
interethnic tensions. We are called to be good model of Christian
attitude to all without exception, to those who need our help, care and
sympathy "
The Russian Orthodox Patriarch stressed that
"the idea of national superiority (invoked by nationalist groups and
often backed by authorities) is alien" to Orthodoxy as well as
hostility to representatives of other religions."
Kirill said that crime and violence among immigrants stem
not from the evil inherent in every person, but often "from despair and
He condemned the tougher rules to curb
immigration as a tool to combat inter-ethnic tensions: "In this way, the
most painful questions remain unanswered and it only generates new
Meanwhile, civil society has responded to the escalation of xenophobia experienced in the last two weeks from Moscow.
common people, artists and human rights activists gathered in a
demonstration titled "Moscow for all" in the central Pushkin Square on
December 26.