A large group of members of the Southern Province of the Sisters of Mercy, who spoke to The Irish Catholic under condition of anonymity, allege there is a climate of fear in theirs and many religious congregations where elderly nuns are frightened that they may be sent to nursing homes far away from communities in which they have lived for decades.
Some sisters have also written to the Vatican to express their concerns.
However, Sr Liz Murphy RSM, Provincial of the Southern Province disputes the claims, insisting that care of elderly sisters is a top priority for the congregation.
One sister said: ''I am frightened even to get a cold in case they say 'you can't look after yourself anymore' and pack me off to a nursing home at the other end of the country.''
It is also understood that a number of the elderly sisters, who have worked for decades while their salaries went directly to congregational central funds, are annoyed by the number of younger sisters who have left convent communities to live independently in private homes of their own.
The Irish Catholic understands that up to 70 sisters, out of a congregation of more than 500, are currently in so-called ''independent living'' in private homes rather than in convents.
One sister, who has been retired for many years, told The Irish Catholic: ''Too many sisters are living alone, not involved with a community and not contributing to our congregation either financially or getting involved.''
Many sisters have been critical of the fact that they are not permitted to see the accounts of the province.
Another sister said she felt ''that some of those in leadership have become too aloof from the ordinary sisters. They are off working on strategies, and running courses for their own interest. They've forgotten what religious life is all about and they don't care about the elderly sisters,'' she said.
However, Sr Murphy insists that this is not the case.
''The care of each and every sister, some of whom are elderly, is an absolute priority for the Provincial Leadership Team.''