Friday, June 25, 2010

Bible translations in every language by 2025

A Christian endeavor of almost 2,000 years could be substantially completed by 2025 when Protestant translators expect to have the Bible - or at least some of it - written in every one of the world’s 6,909 spoken languages.

“We’re in the greatest period of acceleration in 20 centuries of Bible translation,” said Morrison resident Paul Edwards, who heads up Wycliffe Bible Translators’ $1 billion Last Languages Campaign, the Denver Post reports.

Portable computers and satellites get the credit for speeding things up by about 125 years.

Previously, a Wycliffe missionary family or team would spend decades learning and transcribing one language in a remote corner of the Earth.

Wycliffe’s missionaries had the credo, “one team, one language, one lifetime,” Edwards said.

At that pace, the target date had been 2150, Edwards said.