Saturday, June 12, 2010

Adoption for homosexuals deprives children of a family, bishop warns

Bishop Juan Ruben Martinez of Posadas in Argentina reaffirmed his opposition this week to the adoption of children by homosexual couples because it means denying children their right to have a mother and a father.

Speaking on local radio, the bishop said, “According to psychologists, personal disorders are caused by the lack of a motherly or fatherly image.”

For this reason, he said he opposes adoption by same-sex couples, because it would deprive children the opportunity to grow up in a family, which ought to be based on marriage.

Being adopted by a homosexual couple would also deny children the proper formation need to form their own families in the future, he stated.

Bishop Martinez said that for these reasons the Church is calling on lawmakers to understand the dimensions of what they are debating. He also referred to the debate on legalizing abortion.

“There are no arguments for granting the power to take the life of an unborn child,” he said.