The handful of therapists assigned to deal with them could not cope with the numbers - only 162 of 4459 callers were given advice before the system was closed.
Andreas Zimmer, the head of the project in the Bishopric of Trier, said he was not prepared for ''that kind of an onslaught''.
The hotline is the church's attempt to win back trustfollowing an escalating abuse scandal that threatens the papacy of German-born Pope Benedict.
Today, Britain's most senior Catholic will use his Easter sermon to say that the actions of paedophile priests have left ordinary Catholics feeling demoralised and confused, and caused ''great hatred'' to be directed at innocent clergy.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who will preach at St Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh, will tell the congregation that no relief should be drawn from the ''small percentage'' of priests committing such crimes.
''We can take no comfort from the fact that only a small percentage of priests committed such crimes - the impact of their sinful acts is very large - their actions harmed the lives of their victims, caused great hatred to be directed at their innocent brother priests and left ordinary Catholics demoralised and confused.
''One might say there has been a great 'public humiliation' of the church, as, in some way or another, we realise that we have not been as alert as we should have been to the evils being perpetrated.''
On the same day as the German hotline opened allegations emerged of serial abuse perpetrated against children by Bishop Walter Mixa - an ally and friend of the Pope - when he was overseeing a Catholic children's home in the 1970s.
The leader of Germany's Catholic bishops said in a Good Friday message that he hoped Christianity's most solemn day would mark a ''new start'' for the church.
Archbishop Robert Zollitsch said the time when Christians commemorated the crucifixion of Christ must ''mark a new departure, which we so badly need''.
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