Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Octave 2009 - Easter Monday

Daily Easter Prayer

"Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise."

Opening Prayer

you give your church constant growth
by adding new members to your family.

Help us put into action in our lives
the baptism we have received with faith.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son
who lives and reigns with you and Holy Spirit,
on God, for ever and ever.

Daily Meditation

Sometimes, we hardly believe that tomb is empty.

Sometimes, our grief holds a vigil outside many tombs.

This week we let the reality of the resurrection of Jesus penetrate our hearts.

We died with Jesus in baptism, and we will rise with him in glory.

We can pause throughout our day,
even while moving from one thing to another,

to remember what this day is about.

We may want to renew our Baptismal promises several times this week,
each time using our own words -

making our promises concrete,

as we reflect upon what would put our baptism into action in our lives.


The Father glorified Jesus and appointed him heir to all nations.
Let us praise him, saying:

Save us, Lord, through your victory.

Lord Christ, by your victory you broke the power of evil and destroyed sin and death,

- make us victorious over sin today.

You laid death low, and brought us new life,

- grant that we may walk today in this new life,

You gave life to the dead, and led mankind from death to life,

- give eternal life to all those we shall meet today.

You brought confusion on the guards at your tomb, but joy to your disciples,

- grant the fullness of joy to all who serve you.

Closing Prayer

Loving Father,
How do I live the baptismal promises
I made again over the weekend?

I want to live my life in service of you.

Help me to carry the gift of faith
I received from you.

Help me to welcome those
who joined the church in baptism.

Guide me and give me the courage
to live my faith, to accept your love.