The month of February opens with Il Papa reminding us all that we are entitled and obliged to spread the Gospel, whilst an Irish Cardinal Emeritus Connell decided that the idea of openness and transparency does not apply to CSA files in the AD of Dublin even going to court to prevent such a happening...
...RC enters election debate in Spain, God issue debated, new website to attract men to priesthood, bishop suggests receiving of Communion in hand needs to be reviewed, Macial dies (RIP), social agenda transforms Spain...
...early Easter disrupts St Patrick's Day celebrations, feast of Saint Brigid, Cardinal Emeritus Connell still in legal dispute, Canon -v- Civil Law, Irish RC condemns reduced VAT rate on condoms, 70 years hiatus for visit of Greek Orthodox bishops to Vatican ends...
...nun gets 1 year imprisonment for CSA, Anglicans to visit Lourdes in its 150th year, Jesuits deciding how to resond to Il Papa, AB Marini's new book, Fulton Sheen to be canonised, Il Papa not the Anti-Christ, Candlemas Day...
...feast of Saint Blaise, Scottish Abbot to be new AB of Westminster (?), Irish RC bishops blinded by privilege, eBay suffers wrath of RC's, Spain Govt. clashes with RC bishops and formally reprimands to Vatican, nude ad upsets...
...new prayer for Good Friday, Polish community boost Mass numbers, priests now immigration officers, Bishop Casey still in limbo, Irish RC bishops encourage abstinence of alcohol for Lent, role of homosexuality in RC church questioned, Cardinal Brady says Irish bishops are united...
...AB Martin pleads with Cardinal Emeritus Connell, Cork & Ross Diocese less Masses available, fall in religious brothers and sisters in orders, suicide of paedophile priest, State-Church relations in Spain failing, change of Tridentine prayer for Jews, new Mormon president...
...almsgiving on Ash Wednesday, more study on Pius XII in 2008 required, Irish bishop promises clarification on CSA, Il Papa happy with surge of exorcist teams, Lambeth causing divisions, Ash Wednesday begins Lenten season...
...Anglican Bishop in Ireland to retire, new Irish Presbyterian Moderator appointed, Il Papa on Lent, new Good Friday text not acceptable to Jews, Anglican mediator hopes to avoid schism, Spanish bishop says right to interfere in politics, new Polish primate (?), Il Papa urges prayer on Ash Wednesday...
...Wikipedia used to attack Il Papa, bishops disturbed over envoy appointment, Mass cards fiasco in Ireland, prelate fiasco continues in Ireland, 20 permanent deacons to be ordained, social encyclical due in March (?), new Greek Orthodox leader elected...
...reflection on prayer, Sotto Voce commentary on AD Dublin CSA files row, Jewish leaders cannot accept prayer for conversion, Anglican AB & Sharia law, security fears for WYD, CSA cases finalised in multi-million settlement payments, chanters required by Universal music...
...Rabbi's to vote on Papal Good Friday prayer, Swiss RC confront scandals, clerical sex shop boom, Irish Cardinal to miss court appointment, equal opportunities training for bishop, Il Papa and Curia on retreat...
...Lourdes 150th anniversary, Connell not supported by 1 in 4 clerics, Il Papa liturgical services for Lent, exorcisms on rise in Europe, condom fallacies, Il Papa decries chauvinism, new cardinal urged dropping of case by Connell, sharp drop in Polish vocations...
...new German RC bishops head elected, exorcism centre in Poland planned, Italian bishop threatened by Mafia under police protection, Il Papa says Hell is real, sale of relics on eBay immoral...
...Spanish Govt and RC at loggerheads, monks RC coffee sales surge, 'Jesus' cosmetics withdrawn from sale, living together before marriage pagan says cardinal, Sr Lucia on fastrack to sainthood, US Anglican leader accepts resignation of 4 bishops, RC clergy participants in genocide, Uganda Anglican bishops boycott Lambeth, Il Papa for USA...
...RC priest jailed in Algeria for celebrating Mass, freemasonry not for RC's, US Ambassador to Vatican begins job, Il Papa and GWB to meet in White House, clergy too materialistic claims cardinal, Il Papa to fly home in 2009 (?), new rules for canonisation, Shroud of Turin should be re-examined, returning Irish missionaries entitled to pension...
...Irish schools to teach religion according to faith of students, Irish bishop betting cancelled due to over subscribing by clerics, demand for exorcisms growing, Sr Lucia beatification process moves on, 1st RC church for Qatar, rent-a-priest...
...Sino-Vatican relations seek repair, shamed monsignor works for taxman, sibling love can be legal, Anglican disestablishment possible, clerical letter for CSA abuser, update of saint making process...
...Patriarch sees no ties to Rome, police admit failings in investigating CSA claims, WCC chief to quit, Pius XII sainthood path continues, pagans lash back at exorcism claim, Spanish-Vatican tempers flare, Fr Ted reviewed...
...Dutch controversy continues, AB Romero on beatification route, Anglican female bishops not happening for at least 5 years more, Il Papa on Saint Augustine, celibacy to stay, eBay in trouble, Irish vocations crisis imminent, cult leader dies, papal message for Cuba...
...Brazilian clergy want end to celibacy, Luxembourg towards euthanasia, feast of Chair of Saint Peter, vocations crisis in RC Ireland, UK AB orders dismissal of Hospital Board, RC calling for reconcilation in Kososvo, new bishop of Down & Connor appointed...
...Il Papa grateful for Peter's Pence, Vatican ties with China, new Nuncio for Ireland, disgraced Irish bishop now a 'spiritual guru', Il Papa belief Cubans ready to follow Christ, John O'Donohue RTÉ tribute...
...Road to Emmaus, young nuns in Drogheda, judge jailed for anti-crucifix crusade, ex-RC priest new Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral (CofI), Il Papa visit now Aus$76 million, Irish RC Church needs to address celibacy, Cardinal becomes YouTube star, e-Priest synergy, confusion over receiving Communion in the hands, Vatican No. 2 on trips around world again...
...CSA priest imprisoned, young clergy stealing homilies from internet, House of Prayer condemned by Archbishop, new Anglican Dean quit due to RC celibacy rules, China-Vatican relations to improve, Muslim-Judaic letter, Irish vocations crisis...
...Il Papa to relax in Pell house, 4 new saints to be decided on 1st March, Il Papa and Saint Augustine, bridal warning, Fr Ted Fest, Seal of Confession under scrutiny, RC covered up death...
...more CSA scandals, gay and lesbian clergy, Lambeth versus Parliament, 3rd encyclical due, Alitalia chief in charge of Vatican finances and thereby the month of February comes to a close.
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Sotto Voce