Sunday, September 01, 2024

Seminarians from South Sudanese Catholic Diocese Urged to Explore Innovations Abroad to Enrich Home Diocese

Seminarians from South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) who are following Priestly studies and formation programs outside the East-Central African nation have been urged to come back home enriched, and in a position to transform the country which is the newest and youngest in the world.

In his pastoral letter to the Seminarians, who he said are ending their break and returning to various countries to continue their studies and formation to the Priesthood, Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of  CDTY urged the Seminarians to utilize the opportunity they have to study abroad to the “fullest”.

“Your diocese, CDTY, has a unique opportunity for you, which I hope you will utilize to its fullest,” Bishop Hiiboro says in the letter dated Tuesday, August 27.

He adds, “Some of you are studying in Uganda, Kenya, Rome, Spain, and Juba, South Sudan. Just as bees gather nectar from various flowers to make honey, I urge you to gather knowledge and experiences from your diverse locations and return to CDTY enriched.”

“Observe innovations and creativity and bring back this knowledge to enrich CDTY,” the South Sudanese Catholic Bishop, who serves as the President of the Integral Human Development Commission of the Sudan/South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) says.

In the letter, Bishop Hiiboro expresses optimism that the Seminarians’ time away from studies had been fruitful and enriching to them, giving the Seminarians “new insights and experiences.”

He lauds the Seminarians from CDTY for demonstrating dedication to their formation and growth in Priestly and Religious Life, attributes he says were “a profound testament” to the Seminarians’ commitment to Christ and His Church.

“Your formation is not merely academic but deeply spiritual and pastoral, preparing you for a life dedicated to serving God and His people,” he says, and adds, “As you move forward, I encourage you to embrace the teachings of our faith with zeal. Cultivate a deep, personal relationship with Christ and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Remain steadfast in the sacred traditions and teachings of our church.”

In the three-page letter, Bishop Hiiboro urges the Seminarians to seek to understand the local culture and language of the countries in which they are being formed, saying, “Build meaningful friendships and learn about the people you encounter.”

He urges the young men preparing to be Priests to explore and master their course material and study areas.

“Remember to focus on everyday holiness, community life, teamwork, and taking positive initiatives. Be compassionate, and patriotic to your diocese and nation, and strive for decency, hard work, punctuality, diplomacy, and leadership,” the Bishop of CDTY says.

In his message of solidarity with the Seminarians under his pastoral care, Bishop Hiiboro says, “Know that you are in my prayers. I am confident that God, who has called you to this path, will equip you for the service of His people.”