Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Former church minister jailed for defrauding congregation

A former church minister has been jailed for six months after defrauding his church of £10,000 and a grieving widow of £1,000.

Adrian Robert McLaughlin, 50, from Church Avenue in Dunmurry, was sentenced at Belfast Crown Court on Tuesday.

McLaughlin was previously found guilty of defrauding £10,000 from St Coleman's Church of Ireland in Dunmurry between 15th October and 30th November 2016.

The jury also found him guilty of defrauding a widowed parishioner of £1,000 between 24th September and 31st October 2016, the BBC reports. 

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Patrick Lynch KC said McLaughlin regarded the parish "as if it was a personal fiefdom" and had abused the trust of his congregation.

The court heard how McLaughlin banked a £10,000 cheque meant for a replacement organ following a church fire. 

It was also heard that the former minister was gifted a £1,000 cheque by a widowed parishioner on the understanding that the funds would be used to purchase memorial items in honour of her deceased husband.

McLaughlin requested that the payee line be left blank on the cheque, filled in his own name, and pocketed the cash.

Judge Lynch told the court he had read victim impact statements, with the widow speaking of her "upset" at being lied to by McLaughlin who she said was "someone my late husband and I trusted".

The judge said there was a "sense of hurt and disappointment" in every sentence of her statement.

McLaughlin was given a 12-month sentence, half of which is to be served in custody before being released on licence.